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The fundamental role of Manjishta in Ayurveda

Ayurveda is based on a harmonious balance between body and mind. In this quest for harmony, certain plants play a key role, such as Manjishta. Renowned for its depurative properties, this plant is widely used to purify the blood and treat various ailments linked to inflammation. In this article, we present the characteristics of this Ayurvedic plant, its role in Ayurveda, its possible uses and its impact on our well-being.

Manjishta powder and its use in hair colouring

poudre de manjishta

Manjishta is a climbing plant belonging to the Rubiaceae family. It has oval leaves and small, yellow-green flowers. But its roots are mainly used for medicinal purposes. They are harvested, dried and processed into powder or extracts for use in various preparations.

Although used as a natural hair colorant in India, Manjishta powder is still a little-known treatment in the Western hair world. Not only beneficial to health, this powder is also an asset for anyone looking for natural hair coloring solutions.

Unlike chemical colorants, which can sometimes damage hair, Manjishta powder is a 100% natural option, with no additives or chemicals. It ensures soft, nourishing color.

Manjishta powder can offer shades ranging from pink to brown, depending on the type and color of the hair, and the method of application. In addition to its coloring properties, Manjishta nourishes the scalp, strengthens the hair fiber and adds shine and softness.

This Ayurvedic plant has been used to treat scalp infections, dandruff and other hair disorders. Its rich antioxidant content stimulates hair growth and makes it an ideal ayurvedic dietary supplement for the skin and body.

The effects of Manjishta on the skin

manjishta pour la peau

The skin, an organ essential to our well-being, is constantly exposed to various stress factors, whether environmental, dietary or emotional. In this context, Manjishta proves to be an invaluable ally for the health of our epidermis.


One of the most common uses of Manjishta is in the treatment of acne. Its anti-inflammatory properties help reduce skin inflammation and prevent breakouts. What's more, as a blood purifier, it helps eliminate toxins from the body that can often be the cause of acne flare-ups.


Hyperpigmentation is a problem that many seek to combat, whether it's age spots, acne marks or sun spots. Manjishta is reputed to balance melanin levels, which can help reduce the appearance of these dark spots. What's more, its antioxidant properties combat free radical damage, which can accelerate skin aging and the appearance of spots.

Other benefits for the skin

In addition to these specific properties, Manjishta is also recognized for its soothing effects and is often incorporated into various skin care products. It can help treat conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.

According to Ayurvedic principles, Manjishta soothes the Kapha dosha, dissolving the obstructions caused by this doshic imbalance. It thus promotes healthy, radiant skin.

Manjishta can be used in many different ways to care for your skin. The most common, however, is Manjishta powder mixed with water to form a paste that can be applied directly to the skin or incorporated into oils and creams.

Blood purification with manjishta

manjishta purification

The very essence of Manjishta lies in its remarkable ability to purify the blood. In Ayurveda, blood is the carrier of life. It helps circulate essential energies and nutrients to every cell in our body. In this way, purified blood is synonymous with optimal health.

From a doshic point of view, Pitta dosha is associated with the qualities of blood and plays a role in blood circulation. When Pitta dosha is in balance, it promotes the formation of good-quality blood and ensures that it reaches all parts of the body to supply the necessary nutrients. An imbalance of Pitta therefore translates emotionally into irritability, anger or low self-esteem.

Manjishta, by soothing Pitta dosha, will therefore accentuate its role as a blood purifier.

Manjishta is distinguished by its detoxifying qualities. It works to cleanse the blood of toxins that accumulate as a result of poor diet, pollution or other stressful factors. This is one of the main reasons why Ayurveda recognizes it as one of the best depurative and blood purifying plants.

When blood is pure, not only does it better nourish organs and tissues, it also contributes to better skin health, as mentioned above. Indeed, many skin problems have their origin in impure blood.

In addition, healthy blood means better immunity. By purifying the blood, Manjishta strengthens the immune system and helps the body resist infection.

Manjishta - naturally detoxifying

Manjishta is therefore an essential Ayurvedic plant, recognized for its many beneficial properties. Manjishta powder is used in particular to improve skin and hair health. It also plays an important role in regulating Pitta and Kapha imbalances. But Ayurveda uses it more for its depurative properties, making Manjishta the Ayurvedic food supplement of choice for optimizing health and well-being.

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